New Version of the ooRexx Script Provider for

This document is created for (OOo) users of the ooRexx Script Provider in the case that it got updated.

The OOo update information that OOo meant to use gets stored in: ooRexx4OOo_update.xml.

Download Directions

Download the zip-archive for your system from "GA" is the acronym for "general availability", i.e. release software. Pick the subdirectory with the latest date.

Update Instructions

First you need to uninstall the OOo and BSF support for ooRexx, followed by installing the latest package from the above download.

Uninstalling Currently Installed BSF4ooRexx

Go to the BSF4ooRexx menu and choose Installatin and the option Uninstall BSF4ooRexx.

Installing Latest Version

Further Help

The OOo update information is stored in: ScriptProviderForooRexx.update.xml.

Use the OOo mailing lists, which are located in the developer area of

If you have questions ad ooRexx and/or BSF4ooRexx then consult, news:comp.lang.rexx,

Rony G. Flatscher, Wien (Vienna), Österreich (Austria), Europe

Last edited: 2014-04-03