BSF4ooRexx, 2010-03-21, Gamma ============================= BSF4ooRexx, version 4.0.0: this version exploits the new APIs of ooRexx 4.0 and as such can only be used with ooRexx 4.0 only, hence the renaming of the package from "BSF4Rexx" to "BSF4ooRexx". The files "changesBSF4ooRexx.txt" and "changesOOo.txt" give brief information about the changes. "readmeOOo.txt" gives instruction on creating the OpenOffice/StarOffice support for your system. ******************************************************************************* * *ATTENTION* Java's bitness must match the bitness of ooRexx ("rexx -v"): * * * * - if ooRexx is 32-bit, then you must install the 32-bit version of Java, * * - if ooRexx is 64-bit, then you must install the 64-bit version of Java * * * ******************************************************************************* Installation of BSF4ooRexx in a Nutshell ======================================== 0) If there is a previous version of BSF4Rexx or BSF4ooRexx installed on your system, please deinstall it by executing "uninstallBSF.cmd" (Windows) or "" (Linux). 1) unzip the archive "" into the target directory (this will also unzip the OpenOffice/StarOffice-support files) - Linux-hint: you may want to unzip the archive into the "/opt" directory 2) change into the subdirectory "bsf4oorexx/install" - run the Rexx setup program, e.g. rexx setupBSF.rex - this will create scripts customized matching your installation and operating system: - on Windows run installBSF_runAsAdministrator.cmd on Linux run (and afterwards logoff and logon) ./ 3) done. Good luck and have fun! Rony G. Flatscher WU Wien Vienna (Austria, Europe), 2010-03-21 P.S.: Further information can be found in "readmeBSF4ooRexx_next.txt"