BSF4ooRexx - Installation Directions for Linux 19 Mar 2011 ============================================== BSF4ooRexx adds support to the ooRexx scripting language to camouflage Java objects as Rexx objects. It lets ooRexx programmers take full advantage of Java objects, but with the simplicity of ooRexx (e.g., no typing or casting necessary, sending ooRexx messages to Java objects)! All such ooRexx programs work on all operating systems supporting ooRexx! Prerequisites ============= [1] Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or higher installed on your computer. Usually the JRE gets installed with your web browser to allow for running Java applets from the Internet. Sometimes it is possible to run Java from the commandline. To check, open a command line window and enter: "java -version" [2] Version 4.1.0 of ooRexx. [3] optional: from . [4] Uninstall any previously installed version of BSF4[oo]Rexx, if any. Installation ============ Step [1] Download the archive "" and unzip it Step [2] Open the folder "bsf4oorexx/installation/linux" Step [3] Double-click on or execute the program "" That's it. Have fun! Rony G. Flatscher, Vienna, Austria, Europe P.S.: Support is given either via the newsgroup or the private e-mail list of the non-profit Rexx Language Association where you meet a good many helping experts!