-------------------------------------- 2005-07-30 ---------------------------------- - Restructured distribution archives to make it easier on users - Adapted "readmeBSF4Rexx.txt" to reflect new distribution archives - Re-built OS2-, Linux- and Windows-DLLs -------------------------------------- 2005-07-30 ---------------------------------- - RexxAndJava.java: added pp() for formatting debug messages - BSF.CLS: fixed a bug in the creation of Java arrays: now pre-registered names (entries in .bsf4rexx) and any other Java class object proxy can be used to indicate component type for the Java array -------------------------------------- 2005-07-09 ---------------------------------- - BSF.CLS: added public routines for easing access to frequently needed functionality: - bsf.lookupBean(beanName) - bsf.unregisterBean(beanName) - bsf.pollEventText([timeout]) - bsf.postEventText(text) - bsf.getStaticValue(className, fieldName) - bsf.getStaticValueStrict(className, fieldName) alias: bsf.getConstant(className, fieldName) -------------------------------------- 2005-07-07 ---------------------------------- - RexxAndJava.java: fixed a bug in converting {b|B}oolean values - BSF.CLS: renamed 'bsf.checkResult' to 'bsf.wrap' -------------------------------------- 2005-06-18 ---------------------------------- - RexxAndJava.java: added "new" and "newStrict" as synonyms for "registerBean" and "registerBeanStrict"; fixed a bug (not checking for interfaces in class String); corrected SGML comments, such that FireFox will display or entries in the table of subfunctions in the javadocs -------------------------------------- 2005-06-11 ---------------------------------- - BSF.CLS: now class object proxies allow for BSF-instance messages like "bsf.getFieldValue" - Apache BSF: downloaded original Apache code, applied bug-fixes and changes and commited those with the Jakarta-BSF distribution at svn.apache.org; double-checked and had it reviewed with another Jakarta-BSF developer - RexxAndJava.java: now handles case of interface classes for accessing static field values transparently (as if it was a normal Java class) -------------------------------------- 2005-06-07 ---------------------------------- - BSF-packages: fixed 'EngineUtils.java' bug in IBM's and Apache's BSF-package - RexxAndJava.java: made error (exception) messages from invoked Java methods easier ledgible to non-Java programmers (no Java stack-trace, instead exception message only shown) - BSF.CLS: renamed BSF.BOX() to BOX() and BSF.UNBOX() to UNBOX() to make coding easier -------------------------------------- 2005-06-05 ---------------------------------- changes of 2005-06-05, 2005-06-06 version, --rgf - BSF.CLS: renamed all BSF-pass-through class methods to start with "BSF."; this way it is always clear that the BSF4Rexx interfaces are addressed BSF-class methods: name changes ------------------------------- createArray --> bsf.createArray exit --> bsf.exit getStaticValue --> bsf.getStaticValue getStaticValueStrict --> bsf.getStaticValueStrict import --> bsf.import lookupBean --> bsf.lookupBean pollEventText --> bsf.pollEventText postEventText --> bsf.postEventText setRexxNullString --> bsf.setRexxNullString sleep --> bsf.sleep wrapArray --> bsf.wrapArray wrapEnumeration --> bsf.wrapEnumeration - BSF.CLS: BSF-class method "bsf.import": change in the order of arguments! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Arguments got switched, "RexxName" argument is now optional: import(RexxName, JavaFullClassName) was changed to: bsf.import(JavaFullClassName [, RexxName]) If "RexxName" is not given, then the Java class name is used as the ooRexx class name for storing it in .local; if "RexxName" is .nil, then no entry in .local will be created - BSF.CLS: all imported Java classes can be instantiated with "newStrict()", which allows indicating the datatype in front of every argument, if necessary - BSF.CLS: sending messages to the BSF Java class object proxy now behaves the same as sending ooRexx messages to BSF Java object proxies: the (static) methods are resolved and dispatched; hence no need to instantiate a Java class just to get at its static methods (or static fields for that matter) - The "test" and "sample" Rexx programs have been updated accordingly. -------------------------------------- 2005-06-05 ---------------------------------- starting with 2005-06-05, brief infos about changes are recorded in here, ---rgf