The examples accompanying this package stem from a student of the WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), Walter Augustin. He has made his paper (in English) and his examples available on the WWW (as of January 2005): Here is the URL of another student's (Andreas Ahammer) project on creating ooRexx samples for (as of June 2005): Andreas Ahammer has been updating his work to match the support given via "OOO.CLS" as distributed via this package. (He was requested to adapt his work to use the new "UNO.CLS" instead as of 2005-08-31.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Setup CLASSPATH - developer's guide p. 107ff, BUT missing: juh.jar, unoil.jar -- already done for OOo 1.1.x -- look into 'set-OOo*.cmd' for examples 2. Start OpenOffice (p. 107ff) Explicitly state protocol and socket (p. 107ff), e.g. soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp; soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8200;urp; OR Use configuration file (p. 31ff) %OOo%/[share|usr]/ Load XML-file: [%OOoBase%]\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu [%OOoBase%]\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu insert in element : socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp; "urp=UNO remote protocol" Content of directory "examples": examples/previous/Exa*.rex ... original solution, using BSF.CLS only ... follow the Java examples 1:1 examples/rgfExa*.rex ... *NEW* solution by ---rgf, using OOO.CLS (which uses BSF.CLS) ... OOO.CLS does most of the boilerplate work, hence concentrating on the important ;) stuff only (as easy if not easier than StarBasic) ============================================================== added 2005-07-09 (last updated 2005-08-31): Additional information for using the ScriptingFramework ooRexx engine (tested against OOo-beta 1.9.x) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- step 1) start 2.0 -- go to "Tools -> Package Manager... -> Add" -- locate "ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar" and register it -- go to "Tools -> Options... -> Java -> Class Path..." -- enter the jar-file containing BSF (e.g. "BSF4Rexx.jar") and enter the jar-file containing the BSF-Rexx-engine (e.g. "RexxEngine.jar"); alternatively enter the directory which serves as the root for both Java class trees -- alternatively: copy the BSF4Rexx-jar files to the OOo directory OOO_HOME\program\classes step 2) set up PATH -- Windows: make sure that the BSF4Rexx-bin-directory is listed, which contains the files "BSF4Rexx.dll", "BSF.CLS", "UNO.CLS" with one or more "UNO*.REX" files (changed, rgf, 2005-08-31) -- alternatively: copy all files to OOO_HOME\program step 3) close all instances of OOo, including the Quickstarter step 4) start OOo -- go to "Tools -> Macros -> Organize Macros" and you should see an entry for "ooRexx" -- ooRexx macros in OOo have the extension ".rex" (changed, rgf, 2005-08-31) ---------------------------------------------------- ---rgf, 2005-07-09, 2005-08-31