ooRexx Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA ------------------------------- Author: Alexander Seik Date: 01.03.2017 License: AL 2.0 Version: 1.0.3 Beta Prerequisite: - Java 8: e.g. URL: - IntelliJ IDEA 2016 Community Edition or Ultimate - URL: Installing the plugin - Download ooRexxPlugin4IntelliJ.jar - In IntelliJ IDEA: File -> Settings (or "Configure" depending on the IntelliJ IDEA version) -> Plugins -> Install plugin from disc -> Choose ooRexxPlugin4IntelliJ.jar. - Restart IntelliJ IDEA. - Now you can add files with ooRexx file-extensions e.g. hello_world.rexx (File -> New -> File) or open ooRexx files via Open -> Open File . These files will be considered by the plugin. - Run ooRexx files via the context menu of the file -> Run '...'. Example: - Download OoRexxStandaloneExample.zip - Unpack it - Open with IntelliJ IDEA: File -> Open -> Select the unpacked folder. - Open README in the unpacked folder for additional information on the examples.