Purpose of JDOR (Java Drawing for ooRexx)

JDOR (Java drawing for ooRexx) is a Rexx command handler (implemented in Java taking advantage of BSF4ooRexx850 and later) that makes Java's 2D functionality available to Rexx programmers via commands that simplify the interaction, yet allow for creating the most challenging graphics (images) from Rexx.

Example "jdor_doc_sample.rex":

    jdor=.bsf~new("org.oorexx.handlers.jdor.JavaDrawingHandler")   -- create a JDOR handler
    call BsfCommandHandler "add", "JDOR", jdor   -- add the JDOR handler to ooRexx
    address JDOR            -- set default environment to the JDOR command handler
        -- now we may use JDOR commands, executed by default by the JDOR command handler
    width =220              -- define width of image in pixels (there are 72 px to an inch)
    height=250              -- define height of image in pixels (there are 72 px to an inch)
    newImage width height   -- create new bitmap with currX=0, currY=0, width=220, height=250
    winShow                 -- show frame on screen
       -- draw two lines forming a big X
    drawLine (width-1) (height-1) -- from currX=0, currY=0
    color red               -- set the color to red (preregistered with nickname "RED")
    moveTo (width-1) 0      -- currX=219, currY=0
    position                -- query current position
    say "--> rc="pp(rc)     -- RC refers to the previous command's result: "219 0" (currX=219, currY=0)
    drawLine 0 (height-1)   -- from currX=219, currY=0
       -- draw a rectangle at the center of the bitmap
    len = 50                -- drawing a rectangle with each side being 50 px (a square)
    moveTo (width-len)/2 (height-len)/2 -- go to the center minus half of the square's side lengths
    color green             -- set color to green (preregistered with nickname "GREEN")
    fillRect len len        -- fill the square with the green color
    stroke str3 3           -- set line stroke to 3 points width, store it with nickname "STR3"
    color blue              -- set color to blue (preregistered with nickname "BLUE")
    drawRect len len        -- draw the frame with the blue color
       -- draw a string (text) at the lower half of the bitmap
    color somePurple 127 46 111   -- define a custom RGB color, store it with nickname "SOMEPURPLE"
    color                   -- query current color
    say "--> rc="pp(rc)     -- show result from command (a Java color object)
    say "    rc~toString:" pp(rc~toString) -- shows the RGB intensities of the current color
       -- draw three lines of centered strings at the bottom
    lineHeight = 15         -- default font size is 12px, add 3 px lead
    newY=height-40          -- draw the three strings at the bottom
    clrs=("somePurple", "blue", "gray")  -- define three different colors
    text=("Hello, Rexx world ...", "... from JDOR ...", "(a Rexx command handler)") -- array of 3 strings
    do counter c i=0 to 30 by lineHeight   -- iterate over array of strings
       s=text[c]            -- fetch the string to draw from array
       stringBounds s       -- get the bounding box dimensions for this string
       parse var rc . . w . -- parse the width of the string's bounding box
       moveTo (width-w)/2 (newY+i)   -- calc x position to center this string, set y position
       color clrs[c]        -- fetch and use the color from the array
       drawString s         -- draw the string
       -- save the current image
    saveImage "jdor_doc_sample.png"  -- save image to file "jdor_doc_sample.png"
    sleep 3.123             -- sleep for 3.123 seconds
    ::requires "BSF.CLS"    -- get ooRexx-Java bridge, contains JDOR Rexx command handler

The above Rexx program with the JDOR commands will output the following text in the command line window:
    --> rc=[219 0]
    --> rc=[java.awt.Color@5fa7e7ff]
        rc~toString: [java.awt.Color[r=127,g=46,b=111]] 
and create and save the following image (bitmap) using as filename "jdor_doc_sample.png":

Brief Overview

The JDOR Rexx command handler makes Java2D functionality available to Rexx programmers. The commands are formed after the methods in the java.awt.Graphics and java.awt.Graphics2D Java classes. The only difference is that the x and y co-ordinates used by many methods as their first two arguments are handled differently. The Rexx programmer defines these co-ordinates with the moveTo x y command preceding command and they are therefore omitted from the Rexx commands matching the Java method names.

Many methods in the classes Graphis[2D] expect arguments to be integers. To ease programming argument values that may be calculated (e.g. x or y positions, width, height, ...) and yield decimal numbers will get rounded to integer values by JDOR.

Hint: using the redirection option of the Rexx ADDRESS keyword instruction (i.e., its WITH subkeyword with the redirection definitions) has the following effects:

The ADDRESS keyword instruction is documented in the ooRexx reference book (rexxref.pdf) in "Chapter 2. Keyword Instructions", section "2.1 ADDRESS").

To Rexx programmers the following JDOR related materials may be helpful:

For the newcomer the following Java 2D related tutorial may be helpful (as of 2022-09-29):

Some Terms and their Informal Definition
The Java class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform allows to define and maintain the translate, scale, shear factors in a matrix. java.awt.Graphics2D methods use it to calculate the effective x and y values.
The commands translate, scale, shear will cause the respective factors to be changed accordingly in the Graphics2D's maintained AffineTransform.
The transform command allows to interact with the Graphics2D's AffineTransform to query, set or reset the six transform factors translateX, translateY, scaleX, scaleY, shearX, shearY directly.
coordinate system
The 0-based, two dimensional coordinate system to address each pixel of an image of width and height in size. The location (coordinate) x=0 and y=0 as the origin denotes the pixel in the upper left hand corner. Increasing x moves along to the right (along the x-axis), increasing y moves along to the bottom (along the y-axis).
"comment command"
Sometimes it is desired to turn a command (maybe temporarily) into a comment, such that it does not get executed. JDOR treats all commands as comments that start with any of the following characters: - (dash), ; (semi colon), / (slash), " (double quote), ' (single quote), . (dot), : (colon), ! (exclamation mark), ? (question mark), _ (underscore). Therefore it is sufficient to prefix a command with one of these characters in order to turn it into "comment command".
If the output is redirected comment commands will be passed on to it.
currX, currY
currX and currY denote the current position of the starting (upper left hand) point used when clearing, drawing or filling. It can be set with the goto x y command (alias names for this command are location x y, moveTo x y, pos x y and position x y). The JDOR command handler will insert currX and currY whenever an x and y position must be supplied to a Java2D method.
A rectangular area which gets affected by drawings and fills. Any pixels outside the defined clip (clipping area) do not change.
The command stroke allows for an argument dashArray that represents an array of float values. There are two possibilities to supply this array to the command:
A graphic context, an instance of the Java class java.awt.Graphics or java.awt.Graphics2D which allows for interacting (drawing, transforming, etc.) with an image (a bitmap) and maintains its state (i.e. current origin, current rotation, current color, ...). The command GC allows for retrieving the current GC.
image type
The image type defines the basic properties of an image and also determines in which format an image can be stored in the file system. The supported types are defined as constants in the Java class java.awt.image.BufferedImage and are listed in the command newImage, subsection arguments.
picture element, usually the size of 1/72 of an inch
RGB color
A color mix of the colors red, green, and blue, each defined as an intensity between the integer values 0 and 255 or alternatively as a float value between 0.0 (0.0%) and 1.0 (100.0%) representing the percentage of the intensity (e.g. 0.5 represents 50.0% intensity).
Note: if any of the supplied numbers includes the decimal dot then all the numbers are taken as float values.
RGBA color
A color mix of the colors red, green, blue, and alpha each defined as an intensity between the integer values 0 and 255 or alternatively as a float value between 0.0 (0.0%) and 1.0 (100.0%) representing the percentage of the intensity (e.g. 0.5 represents 50.0% intensity).
Note: if any of the supplied numbers includes the decimal dot then all the numbers are taken as float values.
Note: an alpha intensity of 0 means "complete transparency", and an intensity of 255 (or expressed as a float value of exactly 1.0) means "no transparency".
A positive or negative value in degrees (0-360) to rotate the image. Note: the Java method rotate(angle) expects the value to be in radians, whereas this command expects degrees! The rotate command will convert the degree value (easier for humans) to radians before invoking the Java method (cf. Wikipedia Gradian article).
Note: if it is needed to translate radians to degrees then one could use java.lang.Math's method toDegree(radians) (to invert one could use the its method toRadians(degrees)).
A positive or negative value used to multiply the width and height values, cf. the command scale.
A positive or negative value used to slant a drawing, also known as skewing, cf. the command shear.
Moving the origin to a different position, such that the effective x and y coordinates get calculated relative to the new origin, cf. the command translate.
xPoints-array, yPoints-array
The commands drawPolygon, drawPolyline or fillPolygon expect two arrays for the x and y coordinates of the points, respectively. There are two possibilities to supply these arrays to the JDOR command handler:

Synopsis of the JDOR Rexx Commands

In general the arguments to a command are blank delimited. If supplying a Rexx variable, its referred to value will be supplied, if using a Rexx expression it will be evaluated and the resulting value will be supplied to the Rexx command handler.

If you wish to supply the name of a Rexx variable to a command (e.g. for the commands drawPolygon, drawPolyline, fillPolygon or getState) then make sure to enquote that variable name as otherwise its value gets supplied instead.

Commands need not be enquoted, unless their names collide with Rexx keyword names (which at the time of writing does not happen) or are used as Rexx variable names in your program.

Unquoted literals will be uppercased according to the Rexx rules and then supplied to the command handler. If commands or arguments are unquoted then they get uppercased as well and blanks between them will be reduced to a single blank according to the Rexx rules before supplying the resulting command with arguments to the Rexx command handler.

Hint: in general any command that allows for querying and setting a value will return the current value and in the case of setting it to a new value will return the old (previously current) value.

Command Argument(s) Description
The constructive area geometry (CAG) "add" operation, cf. Constructing Complex Shapes from Geometry Primitives. The shapeNickName argument gets uppercased and used to look it up in the shape registry or if not found from a Rexx variable of the same name and uses that shape instead.
areaNickName shapeNickName areaNickName the registered area shape that will be changed by adding the area of the shapeNickName as the argument. If shapeNickName is not yet of type java.awt.geom.Area then an Area gets created from it and used as the argument.
The constructive area geometry (CAG) "exclusiveOr" operation, cf. Constructing Complex Shapes from Geometry Primitives. The shapeNickName argument gets uppercased and used to look it up in the shape registry or if not found from a Rexx variable of the same name and uses that shape instead.
areaNickName shapeNickName areaNickName the registered area shape that will be changed by applying the exclusiveOr operation using the area of the shapeNickName as the argument. If shapeNickName is not yet of type java.awt.geom.Area then an Area gets created from it and used as the argument.
"areaIntersect" The constructive area geometry (CAG) "intersect" operation, cf. Constructing Complex Shapes from Geometry Primitives. The shapeNickName argument gets uppercased and used to look it up in the shape registry or if not found from a Rexx variable of the same name and uses that shape instead.
areaNickName shapeNickName areaNickName the registered area shape that will be changed by applying the intersect operation using the area of the shapeNickName as argument. If shapeNickName is not yet of type java.awt.geom.Area then an Area gets created from it and used as the argument.
"areaSubtract" The constructive area geometry (CAG) "subtract" operation, cf. Constructing Complex Shapes from Geometry Primitives. The shapeNickName argument gets uppercased and used to look it up in the shape registry or if not found from a Rexx variable of the same name and uses that shape instead.
areaNickName shapeNickName areaNickName the registered area shape that will be changed by applying the subtract operation using the area of the shapeNickName as argument. If shapeNickName is not yet of type java.awt.geom.Area then an Area gets created from it and used as the argument.
"areaTransform" Transforms the area shape. The transformNickName argument gets uppercased and used to look it up in the transform registry or if not found from a Rexx variable of the same name and uses that transform (an AffinityTransform) instead.
areaNickName transformNickName Transforms the area shape stored under the areaNickName and applies the transform stored under the transformNickName to it.
"assignRC" Allows to assign the current value of the Rexx variable RC (set when a command returns a value) to a Rexx variable with the supplied name.
This allows for creating self contained macros (redirecting the output will protocol the commands which can later be used for replaying those commands) that need to refer to returned values later.
Note: supplying Rexx variable names to commands will supply the value the Rexx variable points to. Therefore it is advised to enquote such commands, at least the Rexx variable name argument.
rexxVariableName The name of a Rexx variable which gets the current value of the Rexx variable RC assigned to for later use.
"background" Queries and optionally sets the background color to a registered color.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new color value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods: getBackground(), setBackground(...).
colorNickName The name of a registered color (cf. color command) or the name of a Rexx variable referring to a color to which the background color should be set to.
"clearRect" Clears a rectangle of the supplied width and height at the current x and y position (cf. goto command), using the background (cf. background command) color.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method clearRect(...).
width height width and height in pixels of the rectangle.
"clip" Queries and optionally sets a clipping area of an image. Returns a blank delimited string with the x, y, width and height values of the previously defined clipping rectangle (area) or .nil if no such area was defined via the Rexx variable RC. If a clipping area exists already, then the intersection with it will be the new clipping area.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getClipBounds(), clipRect(...).
x y width height x position on the x-axis, the y position on the y-axis, the width and the height in pixels of the rectangle.
"clipRemove" Removes clip from image, if any defined.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method setClip(null).
Query, get and set, define and set the color.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Supplying only the colorNickName argument will load the color from the internal register or from a Rexx variable by that name referring to a color and assign it to the GC to be used for drawing from now on.
Supplying in addition intensity (cf. RGB color or RGBA color) for the colors red, green, blue, and optionally alpha, a java.awt.Color of that type gets created, registered with the supplied colorNickName and then used for setting the new color.
The command name colour is an alias, a synonym for this command.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getColor(), setColor(...), as well as the Java class java.awt.Color.
colorNickName colorNickName gets uppercased and is used to look up the internal color registry for the denoted color or the name of a Rexx variable referring to a color which should be used from now on. The previously defined color gets gets returned via the Rexx variable RC. The following color names get predefined and can be directly used (cf. the constants defined for javafx.scene.paint.Color which show the color they represent, in addition cf. W3schools HTML color names):
AliceBlue, AntiqueWhite, Aqua, Aquamarine, Azure, Beige, Bisque, Black, BlanchedAlmond, Blue, BlueViolet, Brown, BurlyWood, CadetBlue, Chartreuse, Chocolate, Coral, CornflowerBlue, Cornsilk, Crimson, Cyan, DarkBlue, DarkCyan, DarkGoldenRod, Dark_Gray, DarkGray, DarkGrey, DarkGreen, DarkKhaki, DarkMagenta, DarkOliveGreen, DarkOrange, DarkOrchid, DarkRed, DarkSalmon, DarkSeaGreen, DarkSlateBlue, DarkSlateGray, DarkSlateGrey, DarkTurquoise, DarkViolet, DeepPink, DeepSkyBlue, DimGray, DimGrey, DodgerBlue, FireBrick, FloralWhite, ForestGreen, Fuchsia, Gainsboro, GhostWhite, Gold, GoldenRod, Gray, Grey, Green, GreenYellow, HoneyDew, HotPink, IndianRed, Indigo, Ivory, Khaki, Lavender, LavenderBlush, LawnGreen, LemonChiffon, LightBlue, LightCoral, LightCyan, LightGoldenRodYellow, Light_Gray, LightGray, LightGrey, LightGreen, LightPink, LightSalmon, LightSeaGreen, LightSkyBlue, LightSlateGray, LightSlateGrey, LightSteelBlue, LightYellow, Lime, LimeGreen, Linen, Magenta, Maroon, MediumAquaMarine, MediumBlue, MediumOrchid, MediumPurple, MediumSeaGreen, MediumSlateBlue, MediumSpringGreen, MediumTurquoise, MediumVioletRed, MidnightBlue, MintCream, MistyRose, Moccasin, NavajoWhite, Navy, OldLace, Olive, OliveDrab, Orange, OrangeRed, Orchid, PaleGoldenRod, PaleGreen, PaleTurquoise, PaleVioletRed, PapayaWhip, PeachPuff, Peru, Pink, Plum, PowderBlue, Purple, RebeccaPurple, Red, RosyBrown, RoyalBlue, SaddleBrown, Salmon, SandyBrown, SeaGreen, SeaShell, Sienna, Silver, SkyBlue, SlateBlue, SlateGray, SlateGrey, Snow, SpringGreen, SteelBlue, Tan, Teal, Thistle, Tomato, Transparent, Turquoise, Violet, Wheat, White, WhiteSmoke, Yellow, YellowGreen
colorNickName r g b [alpha] This command creates a color using the supplied intensities (cf. RGB color or RGBA color) for each of the colors red, green, blue and optionally for alpha. This color will be used from now on and gets stored in the color registry using the supplied colorNickName in uppercase. The previously defined color gets returned via the Rexx variable RC.
"composite" Queries and optionally sets or creates the composite value (an instance of the Java class java.awt.AlphaComposite).
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getComposite(), setComposite(...), and the Java class java.awt.AlphaComposite with its constant fields and the method getInstance(...).
rule [alpha] rule: is a number or a constant name, i.e. one of CLEAR (1), DST (9), DST_ATOP (11), DST_IN (6), DST_OUT (8), DST_OVER (4), SRC (2), SRC_ATOP (10), SRC_IN (5), SRC_OUT (7), SRC_OVER (3), XOR (12).
alpha: is an optional value between 0.0 and 1.0.
"copyArea" Copies an area of the image to the given distance.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics and the method copyArea(...).
width height dX dY width and height in pixels of the image area to copy, dX (can be negative) and dY (can be negative) the distance in pixels where to copy to.
"draw3DRect" Draws a rectangle with 3D appearance (raised or sunken).
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method draw3DRect(...).
width height raised width and height in pixels of the rectangle, raised needs to be either set to .true for raised or to .false for sunken appearance.
"drawArc" Draws an arc which is part of the oval inscribed in a rectangle.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawArc(...)().
width height startAngle arcAngle width and height in pixels of the rectangle, startAngle in degrees (0 is the 3 o'clock position), arcAngle angular extend in degrees relative to startAngle (angles increase counterclockwise).
"drawImage" Draws an image which got previously loaded from the filesystem with the command loadImage and stored internally with an imageNickName in the internal image registry, or an image that got pushed with a imageNickName in the command pushImage, or stored in a Rexx variable.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawImage(...).
imageNickName [bkgColor] imageNickName denotes the name of an image stored in the internal image registry or the name of a Rexx variable referring to an image. Draws as much of the image as possible.
Optional bkgColor is the colorNickName of a previously stored color.
imageNickName width height [bkgColor] imageNickName denotes the name of an image stored in the internal image registry or the name of a Rexx variable referring to an image. Draws as much of the image as possible scaled to the width and height in pixels.
Optional bkgColor is the colorNickName of a previously stored color.
imageNickName width height srcX1 srcY1 srcX2 srcY2 [bkgColor] imageNickName denotes the name of an image stored in the internal image registry or the name of a Rexx variable referring to an image. Draws as much of the image as possible scaled to the width and height in pixels, using from the image the rectangle with the first corner with the coordinate srcX1 and srcY1 and the second corner with the coordinate srcX2 and srcY2.
Optional bkgColor is the colorNickName of a previously stored color.
"drawLine" Draws a line.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawLine(...).
toX toY toX and toY, denoting the endpoint of the line (starting from currX and currY).
"drawOval" Draws an oval.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawOval().
width height Draws an oval in a rectangle of width and height pixels. If width and height are of the same length the oval will be a circle.
"drawPolygon" Draws a polygon using nPoints coordinates from xPoints-array and yPoints-array. The polygon gets closed by drawing a line from the first and last point.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawPolygon(...).
xPoints-array yPoints-array nPoints Draws a polygon consisting of nPoints taken from the xPoints-array and yPoints-array. If the endpoint is not the same coordinate as the first point, the polygon gets closed by drawing a line from the first to the last point.
"drawPolyline" Draws a polyline using nPoints coordinates from xPoints-array and yPoints-array.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawPolyline(...).
xPoints-array yPoints-array nPoints Draws a polyline consisting of nPoints taken from xPoints-array and yPoints-array.
"drawRect" Draws a rectangle of width and height.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawRect(...).
width height Draws a rectangle of width and height pixels. If width and height are of the same length the rectangle will be a square.
"drawRoundRect" Draws a round rectangle of width and height pixels. The corners get rounded according to arcWidth and arcHeight pixels.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawRoundRect(...).
width height arcWidth arcHeight Draws an oval in a rectangle of width and height pixels where the corners are rounded using arcWidth and arcHeight pixels. If width, height, arcWidth and arcHeight are of the same length the round rectangle will be in effect a circle.
"drawString" Draws a string (text).
Note: In order to preserve leading blanks in a string, only the first (delimiting) blank after the command drawString will be consumed, all following characters - including leading whitespace - are regarded to constitute the string to be drawn.
Hint: if you have a need to know the bounds (a rectangle) of the string using the current font and the current graphics context you may want to use the command stringBounds.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method drawString(...).
string string (text) that gets drawn.
"fill3DRect" Fills a rectangle with 3D appearance (raised or sunken).
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method fill3DRect(...).
width height raised width and height in pixels of the rectangle, raised is either set to .true for raised or to .false for sunken appearance.
"fillArc" Fills an arc which is part of the oval inscribed in a rectangle.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method fillArc(...)().
width height startAngle arcAngle width and height in pixels of the rectangle, startAngle in degrees (0 is the 3 o'clock position), arcAngle angular extent in degrees relative to startAngle (angles increase counterclockwise).
"fillOval" Fills an oval.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method fillOval().
width height Fills an oval in a rectangle of width and height pixels. If width and height are of the same length the oval will be a circle.
"fillPolygon" Fills a polygon using nPoints coordinates from xPoints-array and yPoints-array.
Note: The definition list above documents how these arrays can be supplied to the command handler.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method fillPolygon(...).
xPoints-array yPoints-array nPoints Fills a polygon consisting of nPoints taken from the xPoints-array and yPoints-array. If the endpoint is not the same coordinate as the first poing, the polygon gets closed by filling a line from the first to the last point.
"fillRect" Fills a rectangle of width and height.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method fillRect(...).
width height Fills a rectangle of width and height pixels. If width and height are of the same length the rectangle will be a square.
"fillRoundRect" Fills a round rectangle of width and height pixels. The corners get rounded according to arcWidth and arcHeight pixels.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method fillRoundRect(...).
width height arcWidth arcHeight Fills an oval in a rectangle of width and height pixels where the corners are rounded using arcWidth and arcHeight pixels. If width, height, arcWidth and arcHeight are of the same length the round rectangle will be in effect a circle.
"font" Query, get and set, define and set the GC's font.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Supplying only the fontNickName argument will load the font from the internal register or from a Rexx variable of that name which refers to a font and use it for drawing strings until it gets changed again.
Supplying in addition the fontName, a java.awt.Font gets loaded from the system, registered with the supplied fontNickName and then used for setting the new font. The font size is taken from fontSize and the style from fontStyle unless the font name includes a trailing dash or blank, optionally a style (one of PLAIN, ITALIC, BOLD, BOLDITALIC) and/or a trailing dash or blank and size information (e.g. "Arial BOLD 18" or "Arial-BOLD-18", "Arial 18" or "Arial-BOLD").
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getFont(), setFont(...), as well as the Java class java.awt.Font and the method decode(fontName).
fontNickName fontNickName gets uppercased and is used to look up the internal font registry for the denoted font which should be used from now on or taken as the name of a Rexx variable which refers to an font.
fontNickName fontName This command loads a font with the given fontName from the system using the current fontSize and fontStyle, stores it in the font registry using the supplied fontNickName in uppercase and returns it via the Rexx variable RC.
The following logical font names are always available on all operating systems and can be used to set the fontName argument: "Dialog", "DialogInput", "Monospaced", "SansSerif" and "Serif".
"fontSize" Queries and optionally sets the font size to be used when loading a new font.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Font and the constructors as well as the method getSize().
size size (an integer value) that gets used when loading a new font, defaults to 12.
"fontStyle" Queries and optionally sets the font style to be used when loading a new font.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Font and the constructors as well as the method getStyle().
style style a number or symbolic name that gets used when loading a new font, defaults to 0 (PLAIN). Additional font style values are: 1 (BOLD), 2 (ITALIC) and 3 (BOLDITALIC).
"GC" Queries the GC (graphical context) object (an instance of the class Graphics[2D]) and returns it via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command. One can then use all Graphics[2D] methods from an ooRexx program directly.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D].
Gets the image from the system clipboard, stores it in the internal image registry with a default imageNickName of "CLIPBOARD" and returns the image via the Rexx variable RC.
imageNickName optional imageNickName gets uppercased and is used to store the clipboard image in the internal image registry; if omitted JDOR will use "CLIPBOARD" as the default imageNickName
"getState" Creates an ooRexx StringTable object, inserts state information and returns it via the Rexx variable RC. The following entries are available:
  • colors (a java.util.HashMap)
  • currAntiAliasing
  • currFontSize
  • currFontStyle
  • currTextAntiAliasing
  • currVisible
  • currWinUpdate
  • currX
  • currY
  • fonts (a java.util.HashMap)
  • gc (a java.awt.Graphics2D)
  • gc.background
  • gc.color
  • gc.composite
  • gc.font
  • gc.paint
  • gc.stroke
  • gc.transform (a java.awt.geom.AffineTransform)
  • gcStack (a java.util.ArrayDeque)
  • gradiantPaints (a java.util.HashMap)
  • image
  • imageHeight
  • imageStack (a java.util.ArrayDeque)
  • imageType
  • imageWidth
  • images (a java.util.HashMap)
  • prefImageType
  • printPosX
  • printPosY
  • printScaleToPage
  • printScaleX
  • printScaleY
  • shapes (a java.util.HashMap)
  • strokes (a java.util.HashMap)
  • transforms (a java.util.HashMap)
rexxVariableName optional rexxVariableName the Rexx variable name to store the ooRexx StringTable object in the command context in addition.
Queries and optionally sets currX and currX in the current image.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Note: The command names goto, location, moveTo (used for the canonical representation of this command when output gets redirected), pos and position are aliases, synonyms.
x [y] x gets used to set currX and y to set currY. If the argument y is omitted, x is used to set currY as well.
"gradientPaint" Get and set, define and set a gradientPaint (used for filling). This command returns the old (previously set) paint value via the Rexx variable RC.
Supplying only the gradientPaintNickName argument will load the gradientPaint from the internal register and use it.
Supplying additional arguments will cause a new gradient paint to be created, registered with the supplied gradientPaintNickName and then used for setting the current paint value to the new gradientPaint.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getPaint(), setPaint(...), as well as the Java class java.awt.GradientPaint.
gradientPaintNickName gradientPaintNickName gets uppercased and is used to look up the internal gradientPaint registry for the denoted gradient paint which should be used from now on and gets returned via the Rexx variable RC.
gradientPaintNickName x1 y1 colorName1 x2 y2 colorName2 [cyclic] This command creates a gradient paint from point x1,y1 with color colorName1 to x2,y2 with color colorName2. The optional cyclic arguments determines whether the gradient patterns should cycle repeatedly between the two colors. This gradientPaint will be used from now on and gets stored in the gradientPaint registry using the supplied gradientPaintNickName in uppercase and returned via the Rexx variable RC.
"image" Queries an image object (an instance of the class java.awt.image.BufferedImage) and returns it via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command. With no argument returns the current image which can be referred to via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command. Supplying the optional imageNickName argument will load and return the image from the internal image register.
One can then use all BufferedImage methods from an ooRexx program directly. Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class BufferedImage.
imageNickName optional imageNickName gets uppercased and is used to look up the internal image registry for the denoted image and gets returned via the Rexx variable RC.
"imageCopy" Creates and returns a copy of an image which got previously loaded from the filesystem with the command loadImage and stored internally with an imageNickName in the internal image registry, or an image that got pushed with a imageNickName in the command pushImage, or stored in a Rexx variable.
imageNickName [bkgColor] imageNickName denotes the name of an image stored in the internal image registry or the name of a Rexx variable referring to a BufferedImage.
"imageSize" Query the image size (dimension). With no arguments returns the current image's width and height which can be referred to via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command.
Supplying the optional imageNickName argument will return the size of the image from the internal register, or from a Rexx variable referring to an image.
imageNickName optional imageNickName gets uppercased and is used to look up the internal image registry or the name of a Rexx variable referring to an image, get its size which is returned via the Rexx variable RC.
"imageType" Query the image type. With no arguments returns the current image's type which can be referred to via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command.
Supplying the optional imageNickName argument will return the type of the image from the internal register, or from a Rexx variable referring to an image.
imageNickName optional imageNickName gets uppercased and is used to look up the internal image registry or the name of a Rexx variable referring to an image, get its type which is returned via the Rexx variable RC.
"loadImage" Loads an image from fileName, stores it with the uppercased imageNickName in the internal image registry and returns the image's size (dimension), i.e. width and height via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class javax.imageio.ImageIO and the method read(...).
imageNickName fileName The fileName to load the image from, storing it with the uppercased imageNickName in the internal image registry.
Creates a new image. By default the width and the height are set to 500 and the type to the current value of preferredImageType.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.image.BufferedImage and and its constants.
width height [type] The size is given in width and height pixels. The optional type allows to override the image type. If type is omitted the current value of preferredImageType (defaults to 2 a.k.a. BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) gets used.
"paint" Queries and optionally sets current paint (used for filling).
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getPaint(), setPaint(...).
nickName nickName in uppercase will be used to look up a gradientPaint and if not found a color in the respective internal registries or stored in a Rexx variable by that name in this order.
"popGC" Disposes the current GC (Graphics[2D]) object and replaces it by popping a GC from the stack, thereby resetting all changes to that state and returns the popped (now current) GC via the Rexx variable RC.
"popImage" Pops the image from the stack and uses it to draw on to the current image. Returns the popped image via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command.
"preferredImageType" Queries and optionally sets the preferred image type used for creating new images (cf. new command). Returns the image type via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.image.BufferedImage and and its constants.
type denotes the new preferred image type and may have one of the following values: TYPE_3BYTE_BGR (5), TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR (6), TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE (7), TYPE_BYTE_BINARY (12), TYPE_BYTE_GRAY (10), TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED (13), TYPE_CUSTOM (0), TYPE_INT_ARGB (2), TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE (3), TYPE_INT_BGR (4), TYPE_INT_RGB (1), TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB (9), TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB (8) and TYPE_USHORT_GRAY (11).
"printImage" Uses the default printer to print the image. If the imageNickName is supplied, it gets uppercased and used to look it up in the image registry or if not found from a Rexx variable of the same name and prints it.
imageNickName optional imageNickName is uppercased and used to look up the image from the internal registry or the name of a Rexx variable referring to an image of type BufferedImage that should get printed.
"printPos" Queries and optionally sets the left upper hand corner on the page where the image should be drawn to. This command has no effect if printScaleToPage was set to .true (1).
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
x [y] x and y to define the left upperhand corner. If the argument y is omitted, then x gets used instead.
"printScale" Sets the scale factor for the print page x and y axis.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
scaleX [scaleY] scaleX and scaleY to define the scale factors. If the argument scaleY is omitted, then scaleX gets used instead.
"printScaleToPage" Queries and optionally sets the value.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC. If set to .true, the image will be scaled to the printable image area such, that the entire image gets printed proportionally. Returns the setting via the Rexx variable RC.
booleanValue optional booleanValue can be one of 1, ".true", "true", 0, ".false" or "false".
"pushGC" Push the current GC (Graphics[2D]) object on the stack, thereby saving its current state (settings and transformations). This command will then create a copy of the current GC which will get used from then on. The pushed GC (a Graphics[2D] object) will get returned via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method create().
"pushImage" Pushes a copy of the current image to the stack and optionally stores it with an imageNickName in the internal registry for later references by imageNickName. The image copy gets returned via the Rexx variable RC.
imageNickName optional imageNickName will be uppercased and used to store the image in the internal image registry.
"render" Queries and optionally allows to change general and text antialiasing rendering hints.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC. The blank delimited string consists of two values, the first representing the setting of RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING (controls general antialiasing, JDOR default set to "aliasOn") and the second the setting of RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING (controls text antialising, JDOR default set to "textAliasOn"). By default these two keys are set to aliasOn textAliasOn to get the best rendering on high resolution screens and print devices.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getRenderingHint(), setRenderingHint(...) and the Java class java.awt.RenderingHints.
rendering1 [rendering2] rendering1 and optionally rendering2 are values for either RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING (one of the values "aliasOn", "aliasOff", "aliasDefault") or RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING ("textAliasOn", "textAliasOff", "textAliasDefault").
Resets the following values:
  • colors: the java.util.HashMap gets emptied except for the constant colors defined in the java.awt.Color class
  • currFontSize: 12
  • currFontStyle: 0
  • currX: 0
  • currY: 0
  • transform: resets translate to 0,0, scale to 1,1 and shear to 0,0
  • fonts: the java.util.HashMap gets emptied
  • gcStack: the java.util.ArrayDeque gets emptied
  • gradiantPaints: the java.util.HashMap gets emptied
  • imageStack: the java.util.ArrayDeque gets emptied
  • images: the java.util.HashMap gets emptied
  • printPosX: 0
  • printPosY: 0
  • printScaleToPage: .false
  • printScaleX: 1
  • printScaleY: 1
  • strokes: the java.util.HashMap gets emptied
The command name clear is an alias, a synonym for this command.
"rotate" Rotates the image such that new drawings are appear rotated in effect.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the method rotate(...).
Note: this command converts the supplied degrees (0 to 360) to radians and supplies it to the Java method.
theta [x y] theta is the amount of degrees the image should be rotated. If the optional arguments x and y are supplied then a "translate x y" will be invoked before rotating, followed by "translate -x -y".
"saveImage" Saves the current image to a file. If the saving of the image was successful 1 (.true) gets returned via the Rexx variable RC, otherwise -16 gets returned indicating an error has occurred (use output or error redirection to get further information in case of an error).
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class javax.imageio.ImageIO and the method write(...).
fileName fileName defines the name to be used for saving the current image.
"scale" Queries and optionally changes ("concatenates") the scale factor for the x and y axis. The command returns the scale values at the time of invocation.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics2D and the method scale(...).
To set these factors to absolute values use the transform command.
scaleX [scaleY] scaleX and scaleY to define the scale factors. If the argument scaleY is omitted, then scaleX gets used instead.
"setPaintMode" Invokes the setPaintMode method.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics2D and the methods setPaintMode() and setXORMode(...).
"setXorMode" Invokes the setXorMode method with the supplied color.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics2D and the methods setXORMode(...) and setPaintMode().
colorNickName colorNickName gets uppercased and is used to look up the internal color registry for the denoted color or stored in a Rexx variable which should be used from now on for xorMode processing.
Sets the system clipboard to the current image unless the optional imageNickName is supplied in which case the image is retrieved from the internal image registry stored with an index matching imageNickName in uppercase. The image used to set the system clipboard gets returned via the Rexx variable RC.
imageNickName optional imageNickName gets uppercased and is used to retrieve the image from the internal image registry
Sets the system clipboard to the current image unless the optional imageNickName is supplied in which case the image is retrieved from the internal image registry stored with an index matching imageNickName in uppercase. The image used to set the system clipboard gets returned via the Rexx variable RC.
Note: images of type TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR or TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE are redrawn on white background on a new image of type TYPE_3BYTE_BGR, images of type TYPE_INT_ARGB or TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE are redrawn on white background on a new image of type TYPE_INT_RGB.
imageNickName optional imageNickName gets uppercased and is used to retrieve the image from the internal image registry
"shear" Queries and optionally changes ("concatenates") the shear (skew) factor for the x and y axis. The command returns the shear values at the time of invocation. Note: if supplying shear factors the shear algorithm may not only change the shear factors but also the scale factors.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics2D and the method shear(...).
To set these factors to absolute values use the transform command.
shearX [shearY] shearX and shearY to define the shear factors. If the argument shearY is omitted, then shearX gets used instead.
"sleep" Sleeps (halts execution) for the given interval expressed in seconds.
seconds seconds determines the length of the sleep. It is possible to supply 1/1000 of a fraction of a second to allow for animation effects, eg.0.01 or 0.005.
"stringBounds" Returns the bounds (a rectangle) for the supplied string (text) if drawn in the current font on the current graphic context (via the Rexx variable RC). One can use this information to exactly set the position before using the drawString command to draw the string.
Note: In order to preserve leading blanks in a string, only the first (delimiting) blank after the command drawString will be consumed, all following characters - including leading whitespace - are regarded to constitute the string to be drawn.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.FontMetrics and the method getStringBounds(String str, Graphics context).
string string (text) for which the bounds get returned if drawn in the current font using the current graphics context. The string returned via the Rexx variable RC consists of blank delimited fields: "x y width height".
"stroke" Queries, defines and sets strokes.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics[2D] and the methods getStroke(), setStroke(...) and the Java class java.awt.BasicStroke with its constructors and constants for the cap (CAP_BUTT or 0, CAP_ROUND or 1, CAP_SQUARE or 2) and join (JOIN_MITER or 0, JOIN_ROUND or 1, JOIN_BEVEL or 2) arguments.
strokeNickName strokeNickName is uppercased and used to fetch the stroke from the internal stroke registry or stored in a Rexx variable, sets the Graphics[2D] object to it and returns the previous stroke via the Rexx variable RC.
strokeNickName width Defines a new stroke of width in pixels, stores it in the internal registry with the uppercased strokeNickName and returns the previous stroke via the Rexx variable RC.
strokeNickName width cap join Defines a new stroke of width in pixels, cap, join, stores it in the internal registry with the uppercased strokeNickName and returns the previous stroke via the Rexx variable RC.
strokeNickName width cap join miterlimit Defines a new stroke of width in pixels, cap, join, miterlimit, stores it in the internal registry with the uppercased strokeNickName and returns the previous stroke via the Rexx variable RC.
strokeNickName width cap join miterlimit dashArray dashPhase Defines a new stroke of width in pixels, cap, join, miterlimit, dashArray, dashPhase, stores it in the internal registry with the uppercased strokeNickName and returns the previous stroke via the Rexx variable RC.
"translate" Query or moves the current origin (originally at "(0,0)") from the upper left hand corner by adding x pixels to currX and y pixels to currY. The command returns the translate values at the time of invocation.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class Graphics2D and the method translate(...).
To set these factors to absolute values use the transform command.
x [y] x and y to add to currX and currY respectively. If the argument y is omitted, then x gets used instead.
"transform" Queries, resets, changes the current gc (Graphics2D) settings or allows to define a new AffineTransform that gets stored with a nickName.
An AffineTransform defines a matrix that gets used to calculate the effective x and y values for the target device according to this formula:

    x' = translateX + scaleX*x + shearX*y
    y' = translateY + scaleY*y + shearY*x

Cf. the Java documentation for the Java classes java.awt.geom.AffineTransform, java.awt.Graphics2D and the methods getTransform(), setTransform(...).

No argument: returns the current gc (Graphics2D) AffineTransform settings in effect.
The command returns six blank delimited decimal numbers in the order: translateX, translateY, scaleX, scaleY, shearX, shearY at the time of invocation.
translateX translateY scaleX scaleY shearX shearY The arguments are taken to be decimal numbers and used to set the new values for the current gc (Graphics2D) to take effect. If a value for an argument consists of a dot (.) only, then that argument's value does not get changed (its current value gets used instead).
R[ESET] The current transform settings of the current gc (Graphics2D) will be reset such that translateX, translateY, shearX, shearY get set to 0.0 and scaleX and scaleY to 1.0. It is only necessary to supply the first letter.
nickName Returns the AffineTransform object stored with nickName.
nickName translateX translateY scaleX scaleY shearX shearY The arguments are used to create a new AffineTransform which gets stored with the name nickName and returned.
"winAlwaysOnTop" Queries and optionally sets the value.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC. If set to .true, the frame (window) that displays the image will be always on top of other windows. If no argument is supplied the current setting will be returned via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the methods isAlwaysOnTop(), setAlwaysOnTop(...).
booleanValue optional booleanValue can be one of 1, ".true", "true", 0, ".false" or "false".
"winAlwaysOnTopSupported" Returns the boolean value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the method isAlwaysOnTopSupported().
"winClose" Closes the frame (window) that gets used to display the image by sending it the java.awt.event.WindowEvent named WINDOW_CLOSING.
"winFrame" Queries and optionally sets the value.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC. If set to .false, the frame (window) that displays the image will not have a frame and a title. If no argument is supplied the current setting will be returned via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Frame and the methods isUndecorated(), setUndecorated(...).
booleanValue optional booleanValue can be one of 1, ".true", "true", 0, ".false" or "false".
"winHide" Hides the frame (window) that displays the current image.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the method setVisible(...).
Queries and optionally sets location of the frame (window) that shows the current image.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
The command name winMoveTo is an alias, a synonym for this command.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the method setLocation(...) and the Java class java.awt.Component and the method getLocation().
x y The x and y coordinate where to move the frame (window) to on the current screen.
"winResizable" Queries and optionally sets the value. If set to .true, the frame (window) that displays the current image can be resized, by default this property is set to .false.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Frame and the method setResizable(...).
booleanValue optional booleanValue can be one of 1, ".true", "true", 0, ".false" or "false".
"winScreenSize" Returns the blank delimited values of the current screen's width and height in pixels via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Toolkit and the method getScreenSize().
"winShow" Shows the frame (window) that displays the current image.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the method setVisible(...).
"winSize" Queries and optionally sets the size of the frame (window) that displays the current image.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
If no argument is supplied this command returns the blank delimited values for the current frame's (window) width and height in pixels via the Rexx variable RC upon return from this command.
width height optional, if supplied the new size is given in width and height pixels.
"winTitle" Queries and optionally sets the title of the frame (window) that displays the current image.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Note: In order to preserve leading blanks in the title, only the first (delimiting) blank after the command winTitle will be consumed, all following characters - including leading whitespace - are regarded to constitute the title to be used.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Frame and the methods getTitle(), setTitle(...).
title optional, the new title for the frame (window).
"winToBack" Sends the frame (window) that displays the current image to the back of all windows that are defined for the current screen.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the method toBack().
"winToFront" Sends the frame (window) that displays the current image to the front of all windows that are defined for the current screen.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the method toFront().
"winUpdate" Queries and optionally sets the value. If set to .true, the frame (window) that displays the current image will be updated each time a change occurs in the current image, otherwise the frame (window) does not get visually updated.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
booleanValue optional booleanValue can be one of 1, ".true", "true", 0, ".false" or "false".
"winVisible" Queries and optionally sets the value. If set to .true, the frame (window) that displays the current image will be shown, otherwise it will be hidden.
Querying the current value (no argument supplied) will return it, setting (changing) the value to a new value will return the old (previously set) value via the Rexx variable RC.
Cf. the Java documentation for the Java class java.awt.Window and the method setVisible(...).
booleanValue optional booleanValue can be one of 1, ".true", "true", 0, ".false" or "false".

The JDOR Shape Related Rexx Commands

Java2D introduces the ability to define graphical shapes (cf. interface java.awt.Shape) and use them for constructing Path2D shapes, filling shapes and drawing shapes:

Path2D allows for creating any arbitrary shape. It is even possible to add (append) any shapes to a path or create a PathIterator from a shape, transform and add (append) it to a path.

Note: the created shapes use double precision decimal numbers for highest fidelity. E.g. an Arc2D will be created using the Java class Arc2D.Double.

The Shape related JDOR Rexx commands are:

The Area shape specific JDOR Rexx commands are: The Path2D shape specific JDOR Rexx commands are:

In general the arguments to a command are blank delimited. If supplying a Rexx variable, its referred to value will be supplied, if using a Rexx expression it will be evaluated and the resulting value will be supplied to the Rexx command handler.

If you wish to supply the name of a Rexx variable to a command (e.g. for the command assignRC), then make sure to enquote that variable name as otherwise its value gets supplied instead.

Commands need not be enquoted, unless their names collide with Rexx keyword names (which at the time of writing does not happen) or are used as Rexx variable names in your program.

Unquoted literals will be uppercased according to the Rexx rules and then supplied to the command handler. If commands or arguments are unquoted then they get uppercased as well and blanks between them will be reduced to a single blank according to the Rexx rules before supplying the resulting command with arguments to the Rexx command handler.

Shape Related Commands

Here the JDOR commands that are related to all Shapes:

Command Argument(s) Description
"shape" Queries or creates a named Shape.
Querying will return the stored shape, creating a new shape will store it with the supplied shapeNickName and return it via the Rexx variable RC.
shapeNickName The name Shape that gets returned from the registry.
shapeNickName typeName args Creates a new Shape of type typeName using args arguments, registers and returns it.
typeName arg(s) Brief Description
Area shapeNickName Defines a new area shape for the supplied shape. Using an area shape as argument will create a new area shape (effectively a copy).
All area related commands start with the word area.
Arc | Arc2D x y width height start extent type Defines an arc shape at position x and y in a rectangle of width and height pixels.
The arc will be drawn from start degrees to extent degrees counter clock wise.
type determines whether it should be left open (OPEN or 0), or a line should be drawn between the starting and the ending point of the arc (CHORD or 1), or a line should get drawn between the starting point, the center point and the ending point of the arc (PIE or 2).
bounds start extent type Defines an arc shape at position x and y in a rectangle of width and height pixels as defined by bounds, a Rectangle2D shape.
The arc will be drawn from start degrees to extent degrees counter clock wise.
type determines whether it should be left open (OPEN or 0), or a line should be drawn between the starting and the ending point of the arc (CHORD or 1), or a line should get drawn between the starting point, the center point and the ending point of the arc (PIE or 2).
Cubic | CubicCurve | CubicCurve2D x1 y1 ctrlx1 ctrly1 ctrlx2 ctrly2 x2 y2 Defines a cubic parametric curve shape between the points x1/y1 and x2/y2 controlled by the two control points located at ctrlx1/ctrly1 and ctrlx2/ctrly2.
Elli | Ellipse | Ellipse2D x y width height Defines an ellipse (oval) shape at position x and y in a rectangle of width and height pixels. If width and height are of the same length the ellipse (oval) will be a circle.
line | Line2D x1 y1 x2 y2 Defines a line shape that will be drawn from position x1/y1 to x2/y2.
path | Path2D [rule] Creates a Path2D shape. The optional rule can be either 0 (WIND_EVEN_ODD) or 1 (WIND_NON_ZERO), which is the default.
Polygon xPoints-array yPoints-array nPoints Creates a Polygon shape consisting of nPoints taken from the xPoints-array and yPoints-array. If the endpoint is not the same coordinate as the first point, the polygon gets closed by drawing a line from the first to the last point.
Quad | QuadCurve | QuadCurve2D x1 y1 ctrlx ctrly x2 y2 Defines a quadratic parametric curve shape between the points x1/y1 and x2/y2 controlled by the control point located at ctrlx/ctrly.
Rect | Rectangle | Rectangle2D x y width height Defines a rectangular shape at position x and y of width and height pixels. If width and height are of the same length the rectangle is a square.
RoundRect | RoundRectangle | RoundRectangle2D x y width height arcWidth arcHeight Defines a round rectangular shape at position x and y of width and height pixels where the corner arc has arcWidth and arcHeights pixels.
"clipShape" Intersects the current clip with the interior of the supplied shape to create a new clip. Cf. Graphics2D.
shapeNickName Applies the shape stored with shapeNickName and if not present a Shape a Rexx variable named shapeNickName refers to.
"drawShape" Draws the the supplied shape. Cf. Graphics2D.
shapeNickName Draws the shape stored with shapeNickName and if not present a Shape a Rexx variable named shapeNickName refers to.
"fillShape" Fills the the supplied shape. Cf. Graphics2D.
shapeNickName Fills the shape stored with shapeNickName and if not present a Shape a Rexx variable named shapeNickName refers to.
"pathIterator" Returns a PathIterator of the supplied shape which can be used as an argument to the pathAppend command. Cf. Shape.
shapeNickName [transformNickName [flatness]] Creates and returns a PathIterator for the shape stored with shapeNickName and if not present a Shape a Rexx variable named shapeNickName refers to.
If the optional transformNickName is supplied, the stored AffineTransform is used to transform the PathIterator.
The optional flatness argument is a decimal value, cf. Shape.getPathIterator(AffineTransform at, double flatness)
"shapeBounds" Returns the bounds (a Rectangle2D) of the supplied shape as a blank delimited Rexx string: "x y width height". Cf. Shape.
shapeNickName Returns a blank delimited string denoting the bounds (x, y, width, height) for the shape stored with shapeNickName and if not present a Shape a Rexx variable named shapeNickName refers to.

Path2D Related commands

The Path2d (java.awt.geom.Path2D) shape allows for creating any kind of shape and even allows for using any Shape and PathIterator derived (and potentially transformed) from a Shape while building it.

Here the JDOR commands that are related to any Path2d Shape:

Command Argument(s) Description
"pathAppend" The named Path2D shape gets appended by the named Shape or PathIterator.
pNickName spNickName [connect=.true] pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape, spNickName either a Shape or PathIterator that should be appended. The optional connect argument controls whether the appended shape should get connected with a line segment (default).
"pathClone" The named Path2D shape gets cloned and returned.
pNickName [clonedNickName] pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape, that gets cloned and returned. If the optional cloneNickName is specified then the clone gets registered with the uppercased cloneNickName as index.
"pathClose" The named Path2D shape will have its current segment closed by drawing a straight line back to the last pathMoveTo position.
pNickName pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape, of which the last segment gets closed by drawing a line to the last pathMoveTo position.
"pathCurrentPoint" Returns the current point (the position of the last pathMoveTo) of the named Path2D shape.
pNickName pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape, which current point gets returned.
Note: if no pathMoveTo was issued yet, then .nil gets returned, otherwise a blank delimited Rexx string in the form of: "x y".
"pathCurveTo" Creates a cubic parametric curve segment.
pNickName ctrlx1 ctrly1 ctrlx2 ctrly2 x y pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape for which a cubic parametric curve segment gets created between the points currentPoint (cf. pathCurrentPoint command above) and the point with the co-ordinate x/y controlled by the two control points located at ctrlx1/ctrly1 and ctrlx2/ctrly2.
"pathLineTo" Creates a line segment.
pNickName x y pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape for which a line segment gets created between the points currentPoint (cf. pathCurrentPoint command above) and the point with the co-ordinate x/y.
"pathMoveTo" Adds a point to the path at the supplied position.
pNickName x y pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape for which a point should get added at x/y (making it the currentPoint, cf. pathCurrentPoint command above).
"pathQuadTo" Creates a quadradic parametric curve segment.
pNickName ctrlx ctrly x y pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape for which a quadradic parametric curve segment gets created between the points currentPoint (cf. pathCurrentPoint command above) and the point with the co-ordinate x/y controlled by the control point located at ctrlx/ctrly.
"pathReset" The named Path2D shape will be reset to become empty.
pNickName pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape, which gets reset to become empty.
"pathTransform" The named Path2D shape gets transformed.
pNickName tNickName pNickName denotes the name of a Path2D shape, that gets transformed as defined by tNickName (an AffineTransform) retrieved from the registry, and if does not exist from a Rexx variable by that name.
"pathWindingRule" Queries or sets the winding rule of the named Path2D shape.
pNickName [newValue] Returns or sets the winding rule of the Path2D shape denoted by pNickName. If newValue is supplied, it needs to be WIND_EVEN_ODD or 0, alternatively WIND_NON_ZERO or 1.

JDOR synopsis of commands, version: 100.20240830
Acknowledgement: the author wishes to thank DI Walter Pachl
for his help in testing and proof reading