At the 2007
International Rexx Symposium the logging framework for Open Object Rexx (ooRexx) got introduced,
using the name "log4r".
As it had turned out there had been a package existing already by the same
name, created for the programming language
In order to not allow any confusion the ooRexx logging framework (modelled after
Apache's log4j) had been renamed to "log4rexx" and
got published by the author on 2007-05-21.
- Adapted article:
- A log4j-Comparable Logging Framework for ooRexx Applications
- Reference card:
- Archive with the latest
code (class library):
This version incorporates slight changes which make the log4rexx package usable under
the ooRexx 4.0 version which got dramatically changed in its kernel, which also affects
the way of how the "::requires"
directive gets processed. This allows
for foregoing the hack that is necessary for earlier versions of ooRexx (and is still contained
in the class library).
This version of "log4rexx"
therefore works on all versions of ooRexx.
Rony G. Flatscher, Vienna (Austria), 2011-01-29 (2007-05-21, 2009-10-30)