These zip-archives are supplied as is, without any warranties, explicit or implied, created from the libdbus-sources and expat. They are meant for DBus testing purposes on the Windows operating systems for the ooRexx library dbusoorexx.dll. As DBus depends on expat, another opensource system, 32- and 64-bit versions of it are supplied as well for testing purposes. Installation (example): - Unzip either and or and depending on the bitness of your ooRexx ("rexx -v") on Windows. Then add the path to the respective winDBus-1-8-16_20150419-xxbit\bin"-directory and the "expat_2.1.0-xxbit\bin"-directory, where "xx" is either "32" or "64". The general availability (GA) "dbusoorexx"-package can be downloaded from . Unzip it and run the installation script (it will determine the bitness of ooRexx and install the appropriate dll). If you have any questions to dbusoorexx on Windows, then please ask them on the ooRexx ( or BSF4ooRexx ( developer or user mailing lists on Rony G. Flatscher (a.k.a. ---rony) Vienna, 2014-09-01, 2015-04