"net-oo-rexx packages" ====================== This is the readme file for "net-oo-rexx", a bundling ready to use that gives immediate access to a number of Rexx packages, like: - bsf4oorexx (ooRexx-Java bridge for all operating systems) - dbus4oorexx (ooRexx-DBus bridge for Linux) - executor packages (see oorexxshell) - log4rexx (logging for ooRexx) - netrexx (Java in the clothes of Rexx) - nrws (NetRexx Workspace, a NetRexx shell) - oorexx (open object Rexx) - oorexxshell (a rexxtry.rex kind of shell for ooRexx) - regex (powerful regular expression implementation in ooRexx) - rexxdebugger (an ooRexx debugger, exploits the Java bindings on Unix) ======================== Directions in a nutshell ======================== - download the latest "NetRexx, ooRexx with packages with oorexxshell" (net-oo-rexx-packages) zip archive from https://wi.wu.ac.at/rgf/rexx/tmp/net-oo-rexx-packages/ - de-quarantine the zip archive (see NOTE # 1 below) - unzip the archive with the "unzip" or "7z" command - change into the unzipped directory and enter in the system shell Windows Unix Comment ------- ---- +------ setup.cmd ./setup.sh | creates two scripts This will create the two scripts: run.cmd run | allows to run net-oo-rexx programs setenv.cmd setenv | allows to set environment to net-oo-rexx in Terminal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> use the generated 'run.cmd/run' script Windows Unix Comment ------- ---- +------ run oorexxshell ./run oorexxshell | runs oorexxshell (a script) run rexx testoorexx.rex ./run rexx testoorexx.rex | use ooRexx to run testoorexx.rex run rexx which_rexx.rex | use ooRexx to run which_rexx.rex run nrc -exec which_rexx.rex | use NetRexx to run which_rexx.rex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> use the generated 'setenv.cmd/setenv' script Windows Unix Comment ------- ---- +------ setenv.cmd source ./setenv | sets the environment in the Terminal to net-oo-rexx the following commands will work on Windows as well as on Unix: oorexxshell | runs oorexxshell rexx testoorexx.rex | use ooRexx to run testoorexx.rex rexx which_rexx.rex | use ooRexx to run which_rexx.rex rexxdebugger packages/rexxdebugger/tutorial.rex | use ooRexx to run the rexxdebugger with its tutorial.rex nrc -exec which_rexx.rex | use NetRexx to run which_rexx.rex nrc which_rexx.rex | use NetRexx to compile which_rexx.rex to which_rexx.class java which_rexx | use Java to run which_rexx.class (note: no ".class" extension!) ====================== Additional information ====================== To learn about the functionality of oorexxshell, take a few minutes and see the asciinema demos at [4]. First feedback -------------- - "install this bundle, you run a small, trivial setup program, and, poof, you have immediate access to a real trove of packages -- no additional installation needed" (JMB) - "I even was able to load the JDOR handler, then "address JDOR", and then construct one of the JDOR samples step-by-step, by manually writing the (quoted) JDOR commands. This is very impressive, and very useful too, from a pedagogical point of view, since it provides immediate incremental visual feedback for the JDOR commands. You just have to move the Java window besides the command window and you have a fantastic experience." (JMB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===== NOTES ===== --------------------------------------- NOTE # 1: Microsoft and Apple do not allow programs from the Internet to run if they are not signed using their fee-based service citing "security reasons". Therefore, BEFORE INSTALLING or UNZIPPING open source projects you need to "de-quarantine" (remove the respective attributes) the zip archives before unzipping. Windows: after downloading, open with a right-mouse click the property menu, mark the "unblock" check mark and click "apply". Thereafter you can install or unzip the file. Or open a command line window and run (change 'filename' to the name of the downloaded file): powershell Unblock-File filename e.g., powershell Unblock-File net-oo-rexx.windows.x86_64-portable-release-20240707.zip macOS: after downloading, open a Terminal window and run "xattr filename" to see the extended attributes of the downloaded file (replace 'filename' with the name of the zip archive), then issue (again, change 'filename' to the name of the downloaded file): xattr -d com.apple.quarantine filename e.g., xattr -d com.apple.quarantine net-oo-rexx.macos.x86_64-portable-release-20241201.zip --------------------------------------- NOTE # 2 for Unix versions. In case the execution bit of shell scripts and executables got removed, run the supplied script makeAllExecutable.sh from the unzipped directory: sh ./makeAllExecutable.sh --------------------------------------- NOTE # 3: Dual Installations (Linux & Windows) You can use the same set of installed files to run the net-oo-rexx bundle under both Windows and Linux, including the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) and other mechanisms like VirtualBox shared folders. Once you have run the necessary initializer scripts (setup.cmd under Windows, and ./setup under Linux/WSL), you will be able to use the other scripts (run/setenv) under both operating systems. For example, you can test a program under Windows, then use the "wsl" command to switch to Ubuntu, and test the same program under Ubuntu, while sharing the same net-oo-rexx installation. About WSL, cf. --------------------------------------- NOTE # 4: rerun the "setup.cmd" (Windows)/"setup" (Unix) script each time the portable files get relocated or, if on a USB stick, each time you plug in the USB stick. This will recreate on Windows the "run.cmd" and "setenv.cmd" scripts, on Unix the "run" and "setenv" scripts, thereby adjusting them to their new location. --------------------------------------- NOTE # 5: bsf4oorexx (ooRexx-Java bridge) In order to load and run bsf4oorexx programs you need to have Java/OpenJDK on your computer and either have PATH point to the directory where the binary file java.exe (Windows)/java (Unix) can be found or set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the Java home directory in which the Java subdirectories 'bin', 'lib' and the like are located. You can download Java/OpenJDK from the Internet (usually for free), e.g., from Amazon, azul, bellsoft, IBM, Microsoft, ORACLE, SAP, and many more sites (all distributions use the same Java/OpenJDK source code). Please make sure to pay attention to the following two important points: - download the "full version" respectively the version that includes "JavaFX", otherwise the interesting bsf4oorexx JavaFX samples cannot run - download the Java/OpenJDK version matching your operating system and the machine type of your computer, e.g., a 64-bit Intel (machine type "x86_64") Windows version download the "x86_64" (Intel, AMD) Windows Java/OpenJDK installation package or zip archive. If you use macOS or Linux then download the respective full Java/OpenJDK versions. It is possible to have different versions of Java/OpenJDK present on your computer at the same time. The environment variable JAVA_HOME can then be used to point to the Java/OpenJDK directory that you wish to use in your current session/terminal/command line window. This way you can develop and test bsf4oorexx programs for different versions of Java/OpenJDK on the same computer. To see what becomes possible with bsf4oorexx, check out the samples in packages/bsf4oorexx/samples which all get briefly described in the index.html file located there as well. bsf4oorexx programs can be executed directly with rexx[.exe] or via Java using the shell scripts "rexxjh.cmd" (Windows)/"rexxjh.sh" (Unix), e.g., cd packages/bsf4oorexx/samples rexxjh.cmd 1-040_list_charsets.rxj -- Windows: Java loads ooRexx to run script rexxjh.sh 1-040_list_charsets.rxj -- Unix: Java loads ooRexx to run script; rexx 1-040_list_charsets.rxj -- Rexx loads Java to run script Apple users please note: if running any bsf4oorexx script that creates a GUI, then you must use the scripts rexxjh.sh to run them. --- If you have any questions or comments please communicate via the RexxLA member's mailing list (cf. https://www.RexxLA.org). Alternatively, communicate via the ooRexx developer list (cf. [2], [3]). [1] Portable ooRexx 5.1.0: [2] ooRexx mailing list subscription page: [3] ooRexx web mail interface to the developer mailing list: [4] Jean Louis Faucher's asciinema demos, at the top the demos for ooRexxShell: . Please note that these demos may use experimental extensions of Jean Louis executor (a special version based on ooRexx 4.2) which are not present in the regular versions of ooRexx. -------------- as of 20241201